
lunes, 25 de junio de 2018

Informative Data

The Orense community had to work long days to achieve the foundation of the university, from the struggles in the streets that cost the lives of the men of our people, to the parliamentary controversies, as a product of the interests reflected within society.
After a series of formalities and procedures, the Technical University of Machala was created by a resolution of the National Congress of the Republic of Ecuador, by decree No. 69-04 of 14 April 1969, published in Official Gazette No. 161 of 18 April 1969. Having started with the Faculty of Agronomy and Veterinary Science.
By official resolution, the Casa de la Cultura Núcleo de El Oro, presided over by Diego Minuche Garrido, was entrusted with the organization of the university, with the assistance of the Academic Coordination Commission of the National Council of Higher Education, until the rector was appointed.
On July 23, 1969, the President of the Republic, Dr. José María Velasco Ibarra, solemnly declared the Technical University of Machala inaugurated on a visit to the province of El Oro.
On February 14, 1970, the University Assembly met and nominated Galo Acosta Hidalgo as the titular Vice-rector and entrusted him with the rectorship. During this administration the organization of the university was fundamentally undertaken.
On March 20, 1972, at the fourth University Assembly, Econ. Manuel Zúñiga Mascote, as the first Rector titled, being also appointed as Vice-Rector Eng. Guillermo Ojeda López. This administration, faced with the needs of the young scholars of the Province, proceeded to the structuring of new faculties, the creation of a Research Department and the adaptation of the Tenth of August citadel to meet the demand for university enrollment.
On December 12, 1972, Rafael Bustamante Ibáñez, Dean of the Faculty of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine, took charge of the Rectorship; and Dr. Gerardo Fernández Capa, Dean of the Faculty of Science and Administration, assumed the functions of Vice-Rector in charge.
On November 20, 1973, the university assembly elected Mr. Gonzalo Gambarroti Gavilánez as rector and Dr. Carlos García Rizzo as vice-rector. Gonzalo Gambarroti's administration lasted approximately two years and his management was based on the implementation of classrooms and equipment that were required at that time. It was undertaken in Cultural Extension programs and the necessary procedures for the acquisition of new properties were carried out.
The H. University Assembly of January 15, 1977, appointed Dr. Gerardo Fernández Capa as Rector of the Technical University of Machala and Dr. Jaime Palacios Peralta as Vice-Rector. After successfully completing their administrative term, they were re-elected on January 17, 1981.
These authorities carried out programming and works that demanded the demands of the growth of the university population and the development of the environment. They gave priority attention to the adequate academic-administrative progress of the University, to the initiation of the construction of the University Campus and the Sports Complex and to the high scientific-technical training of the students.
As regards the construction of the University Citadel, the Faculty of Agronomy and Veterinary Science was given an architectural complex and work began on the buildings of the Faculty of Sociology, Civil Engineering and Chemical Sciences. During this administration, the Planning Department and three new careers were created: Aquaculture, Early Childhood Education, and Nursing.
In December 1983, Dr. Jaime Palacios Peralta, Vice-Chancellor of the University, died and in his replacement on June 30, 1984, the H. Asamblea Universitaria appointed Mr. Marino Urigüen Barreto.
The educational task must lead to teaching how to discern the true from the false, the just from the unjust, the moral from the immoral, what elevates the person and what manipulates him.


To form enterprising professionals integrally, through academic excellence and education based on ethical and moral values capable of managing well-being and wealth through productive and competitive management of all the country's resources and of acting with sensitivity towards others and protecting and conserving the environment.


To offer the country and the world people with excellent professional, human, scientific and technical training in the administrative sciences, with values and skills, which allow them to satisfy the needs and demands of the commercial, industrial, tourism, productive and service sectors of society.


Contribute to national development by training ethical and competent human talent capable of developing and managing local, regional and national tourism resources in a sustainable manner, creating and applying new knowledge, in close relationship with the social, productive and environmental sectors.


The Bachelor's Degree in Hospitality and Tourism Management at the Technical University of Machala is planned for 2013 as a higher education institution recognized nationally and internationally for its academic programs, the ethical and humanistic values of its faculty and the high professional level of its students, thus contributing to the sustainable development of local, regional and national tourism, with emphasis on the recovery of our cultural values, with the application of computer technologies and the functional operation of its facilities.


Fifth level "A"



Ing. Wilmer Henry Illescas Espinoza, Mae

First semester 2018

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