
lunes, 16 de julio de 2018

Intraclass #20

TOPIC: E-Business today.

OBJECTIVE: Analyze the current situation of electronic businesses and their trends to generate valuable ideas for entrepreneurship 


1. Markets are conversations.
2. Markets consist of human beings, not of demographic sectors.
3. Conversations between human beings sound human. They are conducted in a human voice.
4. Whether transmitting information, opinions, perspectives, arguments against or humorous notes, the human voice is open, natural, sincere.
5. People recognize themselves as such by the sound of this voice.


1. Law of Leadership
2. Law of the Category
3. Law of the mind.
4. Law of Perception
5. Law of Concentration
6. Law of Exclusivity
7. Law of the Ladder
8. Law of duality
9. Law of the opposite
10. Law of the Division
11. Law of the Perspective
12. Law of Line Extension.
13. Law of Sacrifice.
14. Law of Attributes
15. Law of Sincerity.
16. Law of the Unpredictable.
17. Law of Success
18. Law of Failure.
19. Law of Sensability
20. Law of Acceleration.
21. Law of Resources.


In the documents analyzed in class, they are fundamental in the application of a business to innovate and above all to know what the reality is with the client and how to keep them loyal

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