
miércoles, 18 de julio de 2018

Intraclass #21

TOPIC: E-Business strategies

OBJECTIVE: Analyze the E-Business strategies that are applied to a certain market segment to define the best business techniques.

Assertiveness training is really about:
• Appropriate expression of feelings,

• Taking responsibility for direct, honest communication, 
 • Making choices and decisions that respect your needs and rights and those of others.

E-Business strategies
  1. Attract your customers, don't go looking for them. 
  2. In B2C e-commerce it is important to boost your sales funnel. Your goal doesn't have to be limited to attracting customers to your home page, that's just the first step. 
  3. Segment your audience well. All your marketing activities should be focused on specific customer profiles. 
  4. Try increasing the purchase receipt. It's easier to build customer loyalty or get customers to buy more in every transaction than it is to attract new buyers. 
When applying e-business strategies in a business are very important because it allows to obtain a better result in the market, to have differentiation with the rest of the traditional businesses.

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