
miércoles, 8 de agosto de 2018

Intraclass #27

TOPIC: E-Business Opportunities

OBJECTIVE: Analyze the tools of the marketplace.

Penguin is the official name for the update of the Google algorithm designed to fight webspam. The update was released in April 2012.

It focuses on the off-site factors of a website, rewarding those sites that have a link profile with high quality and unmanipulated domain links, and trying to punish those pages that have violated Google guidelines, that have unnatural link profiles, too many links on low quality sites, etc.

  • Google Penguin greatly values social signals. Why? Because users are influenced by the opinions and votes generated by other users in these channels.
  • I advise you to include social buttons in all your product, category or item tabs to make it easier for the user to share your content.
  • You also have to create, optimize and work on your own social profiles to create community around your brand. Promote your own content yourself to generate social links.

The most important thing about the algorithm is that you will have real-time updates of your online store right now. Any improvements your webmaster makes or yourself will be reflected almost instantly in the search results shortly after the page is crawled and indexed again.

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